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Anvil ID Help
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Thanks for your response. One thing I forgot to mention is that we man make out the beginnings of a P followed by an A. I would think the beginning of the word PATENT, but we can't make out the rest. I've used a flap sander and wire brush, and there just doesn't seem to want to reveal more. Where your 2nd weight digit is in the center of the SOLID WROUGHT circle, my 2nd digit is in the bottom part of the arc.. I don't know if it makes a difference. Again, thanks!
I have a Peter Wright as well (185#) and you can barely make out Peter Wright on the side but the weight markings are very clear. You may try to do a surface rubbing and see if you can bring out the stamping. The base of your anvil is similar to mine except the maker mark (initials) are to one side on the base of my anvil.

I have a 160 lb Peter Wright and it says Peter Wright on the side. I will have to look at it closer. I know that the club has a copy of Anvils in America by Postman. Can one of you look in there to see what clues we can get?

I am new to HABA, retired fed and hobbyist knifemaker. I have never forged, but am thinking about it, having just built a tire hammer and 2 burner forge.
Now here's my post to all: I just purchased an anvil that I'm thinking is a Peter Wright. The only markings I can make out are SCLID (which I believe is really SOLID) in an arc above the 2nd weight digit. Just underneath can barely make out part of the word WROUGHT. Weight is 3 2 1, which equates to 393lbs. My game scale showed 400 lbs even, including the chain I hoisted it with, so pretty accurate. It is 37" long, 14" high and the face is 5 7/8" wide. Can any of you confirm it's a Peter Wright? I've attempted to attach pictures. Thanks ALL!

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